IV therapy for fertility

Boosting your wellness for your fertility journey

An innovative treatment that infuses critical vitamins and nutrients intravenously to improve the overall health by boosting your immunity, improving your energy and reducing stress which optimizes fertility of both men and women.

A part of your fertility journey with Anova: IV Therapy

We provide you with basic nutrients you need for overall wellness. Then we customize your IV therapy by adding the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need the most. Give your body the best chance at fertility success with a curated therapy designed specifically to meet your unique needs and fertility plan.

IV Therapy Woman Smiling

What is in
the IV Therapy

The IV infusion contains a mixture of essential vitamins and nutrients designed to boost fertility by creating a healthy body.

Some of the vitamins and minerals include:

  • Vitamin B Complex

  • Vitamin B5

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin C

  • Calcium

  • Zinc

  • L-Carnitine

  • L-Glutathione

IV Therapy delivers vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream, allowing for quick absorption . With oral supplements, nutrients must travel a laborious pathway in which many of them are lost and not fully absorbed.

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Detoxifies harmful substances
  • Addresses vital deficiencies
  • Helps regulate menstruation
  • Supports hormone production
  • Improves sperm motility/quality
  • Promotes healthy ovaries
  • Reduces stress that can impact fertility
  • Reduces oxidative stress that can impact your uterine lining.
  • Improves egg health
  • Promotes endometrial receptivity
  • These appointments are conveniently booked at Anova Fertility centres, where patients can expect a calm and restful spa experience provided in a private area, with a luxurious warmed blanket, surrounded by candlelight and the soothing sounds of spa music. Each IV therapy session is 1 hour in length